KIPERB319Contact us for more information.
After solid phase extraction (SPE) or ethanol extraction of the plasma samples, vasopressin is assayed by a competitive radioimmunoassay. Urinary vasopressin can be measured directly. This assay uses a rabbit anti-vasopressin antiserum and a radioiodinated vasopressin [125I] tracer. Bound and free phases are separated by a second antibody bound to solid phase particles, followed by a centrifugation step. The radioactivity in the bound fractions is measured and a typical calibration curve can be generated. The values of the extracted samples are corrected for extraction recovery.
Catalog #: KIPERB319
Format: RIA
Label: I125
Size: 100 tests
Sample Type: Plasma, Urine
Sample Volume: 1000 µL
Controls: 2 levels
Range: 1,9-60 pmol/L
Sensitivity: 0,5 pmol/L
Incubation: 18h/18h/30min./15min.
Shelf Life (weeks): 11