KIPB30282Contact us for more information.
The radioassay of T3 uptake is based on determining unsaturated binding capacity of TBG in human serum. Reference serum or unknown samples are incubated in anti-T3 monoclonal antibody-coated tubes with 125 I-labeled T3 tracer. The amount of 125 I-labeled T3 that is bound to the solid phase antibody is indirectly proportional to the amount of unsaturated binding sites on TBG. After incubation, the contents of the tubes are aspirated so as to remove unbound 125I-labeled tracer. The bound radioactivity is then determined in a gamma counter. The unknown sample cpm is compared with the cpm of reference serum to obtain the percent T3 uptake.
Catalog #: KIPB30282
Format: RIA
Label: I125
Size: 100 tests
Sample Type: Serum
Sample Volume: 20 µL
Controls: 2 levels
Incubation: 1 h RT with shaking
Shelf Life (weeks): 8