SARS-CoV-2 Lin. BA.2.75.5; Omicron Var. (USA/NY-Wadsworth-22037154-01/2022) CF (HI) (1 mL)
0810671CFHIContact us for more information.
Product Information:
Volume: 1.0mL
Units/Pack: 1
Storage Condition: -65°C or below
Hazardous Information: Non-infectious
Matrix: null
Target: Does not apply
Product Type: Inactivated Organism
Heat inactivated viral culture fluids are sold as consumable testing materials. The suitability and performance characteristics should be determined by your laboratory for each intended usage.
These products are NOT intended for use in the manufacture or processing of injectable products subject to licensure under section 351 of the Public Health Service Act or for any other product intended for administration to humans.
For Research Use Only