BlueDot Liver4 IgG Kit (IVD)
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BlueDOT Liver4 IgG is an Immunodot kit intended for the detection in human sera of IgG autoantibodies against M2/native PDC (E1, E2, E3 subunits of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex), LKM1 (P450 2D6 fusion tripeptide), LC1 (Formiminotransferase Cyclodeaminase) and SLA (Soluble Liver Antigen) antigens. Each kit contains 24 tests.
BlueDot kits are composed of 24 nitrocellulose strips on which the antigens have been coated in a dot-shaped format. One strip allows the testing of one patient for many different autoantibodies in the same run. The test is based on a classical Enzyme ImmunoAssays (EIA).
In addition to the antigens, each strip possesses two built-in reactive controls :
- The first one, the Reaction Control (RC), controls the validity of the test : its coloration proves that the clinician has added the patient serum and that the test has functioned correctly.
- The second one, the Cut-Off Control (CO), allows the interpretation of the test : any color intensity equal to or below that of the cut-off is considered negative, any color intensity superior to that of the cut-off is considered positive.
The results can be interpretated by sight or a semi-quantification can be obtained thanks to the Dr DOT software.