CRLF2/CCPX FISH Probe Kit - 10 tests

CRLF2/CCPX FISH Probe Kit - 10 tests


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The CRLF2/CCPX FISH probe set is designed to detect copy number changes in the region of the human CKS1B gene; the gene located on both the X (Xp22.33) and Y (Yp11.32) chromosome. It lies near the end of the p-arm, in the pseudoautosomal region (PAR1) in which the sequence of the X and Y chromosome are identical.  The kit contains two differentially labeled probes: A Locus Specific Probe (LSP) covers two chromosomal regions which includes the entire CRLF2 gene. The other probe, CCPX, is derived from chromosome X-specific pericentromeric DNA and is designed to serve as a control to determine the number of chromosome X copies per cell.

The probe is labeled with CytoOrange and CytoGreen. CytoOrange is a fluorophore with an excitation peak at 551 nm and emission peak at 575 nm, giving it an orange fluorescent signal with an appropriate filter; CytoGreen has an excitation peak at 495 nm and emission peak at 518 nm, giving it an green fluorescent signal with an appropriate filter.

For Research Use Only.