Bio SB
OCT-2 RMab EP115
BSB 2021-BSB 2027Contact us for more information.
Octamer transcription factor-2 (OCT-2) possesses a leucine zipper domain and belongs to the POU family of transcription factors. It binds to the octamer motif (5-ATTTCAT-3), activates immunoglobulin gene expression and regulates transcription in a number of tissues. OCT-2 is important for the expression of B cell specific genes, such as CD20 and CRISP-3. OCT-2 is expressed in mature B cells, predominantly germinal center B cells. The OCT-2 antibody labels various B cell lymphomas with strong expression in germinal center-derived lymphomas.
Available options include prediluted (3ml, 7 ml, 15ml), concentrate (0.1 ml, 0.5ml, 1ml) and 5+ control slides.
For Research Use Only.